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Português: Indígenas Xakriabá durante o Movimento nacional dos povos indígenas que ocorre na capital do Brasil, povos dos pais inteiro se encontram para reivindicar seus direitos e ao mesmo tempo se torna um grande encontro de trocas culturais.
English: Indigenous Xakriabá during the National Movement of Indigenous Peoples that takes place in the capital of Brazil, people from all over the country meet to claim their rights and at the same time it becomes a great meeting of cultural exchanges.
日本語: 先住民族シャクリバの人々がブラジル全国から首都リオデジャネイロで顔をあわせる。主権運動集会は同時に、文化交流の素晴らしい場となる(ブラジルのの集会、ウィキ・ラブ民俗文化2023年入賞作)
Patrimonio culturale immateriale
Campo di Terra Libera
Q106772116, P1076:
Logo Wiki Loves Folklore This media has been taken in the country: Brazil
Sorzint Opere personâl
Autôr Edgar Kanaykõ Xakriaba

Licence pal ûs

Io, detentore del copyright su quest'opera, dichiaro di pubblicarla con la seguente licenza:
w:fur:Creative Commons
Atribuzion condivît inte stesse maniere
Atribuzion: Edgar Kanaykõ Xakriabá
Tu sês libar/libare
  • di condividi – di copiâ, distribuî e trasmeti il lavôr
  • di modificâ – di adatâ il lavôr
A lis cundizions seguitivis
  • Atribuzion – Tu âs di dâ lis informazions adeguadis sul autôr, un leam ae licence e dî se a son stâts cambiaments. Tu puedis fâ chest in cualsisei mût rasonevul, ma no in maniere di fâ pensâ che e avaledin te o la maniere che tu dopris la opare.
  • condivît inte stesse maniere – Se tu modifichis, cambiis o tu amplis il materiâl, tu scugnis distribuî i tiei contribûts in base ae stesse licence o compatibil cul origjinâl.
Personality rights Although this work is freely licensed or in the public domain, the person(s) shown may have rights that legally restrict certain re-uses unless those depicted consent to such uses. In these cases, a model release or other evidence of consent could protect you from infringement claims. Though not obliged to do so, the uploader may be able to help you to obtain such evidence. See our general disclaimer for more information.


Wiki Loves Folklore barnstar
This file was awarded as the consolation winning image in Wiki Loves Folklore 2023.
This image was uploaded as part of Wiki Loves Folklore 2023 photographic contest.
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Chief Raoni of the Kayapó people with an indigenous leader from other countries in Abya Ayala.

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raffigura talian

Raoni inglês

creatore talian

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0.01666666666666666666 secont


55 milimetri


tipo di file talian


istanza di talian

fotografia talian

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atuâl22 di Fev 2023 a lis 01:07Miniature de version dai 22 di Fev 2023 a lis 01:073 016 × 2 121 (5,68 MB)XakriabaUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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